Truth (Part 4) | The Practice

The Practice of Truth

In the previous blog post, we discussed how emotions can corrupt the preservation of truth and how every soul is a reflection of the Divine. We then asked ourselves the following question: Do you, I, and those around us want to know the truth?

The guardrails of truth, gentleness, wisdom, and patience can help us preserve and, ultimately, present the truth in a way that our self, others, and colleagues can hear and accept it.

How to approach the sophistication of truth, that is, the presentation of it, in these areas of life are outlined below.

The Manifestation Of The Sophistication Of Truth

Truth Regarding Self.

Consciously mastering emotions positions you and me in the driver’s seat of our lives rather than letting our subconscious master us. This mastery allows visibility into what is while still affording gentleness to our self and others. 

Mastering one such emotion has radically changed my life; that is: judgment. 

Patterns of thinking and behaviors and even internal narratives today are informed by our past, usually our experiences as children. Therefore, mastering judgment affords our subconscious mind the safety it needs to process freely and uninhibited, exploring the “Why?” behind our patterns or mindsets. It allows our emotions to illuminate, often with roots in childhood wounds that have yet to be addressed or healed. 

In lieu of judgment, curiosity welcomes the exploration of our souls with gentleness as the harbor.

We must prove to be a safe place for the wounded inner parts of us.

Truth Regarding Relationships.

Affording gentleness and wisdom in the presentation of truth allows you to sit alongside another behind their tough exterior–their carefully constructed wall. Then, together, we can consider the extenuating experience in light of their past, pain, and traumas. 

When guided by gentleness and wisdom, truth affords empathy.

The practice of mastering emotions and employing these qualities changes the entire conversation of what is, transcending from assigning who is ‘right’ or ‘wrong.’ Instead, it facilitates an opportunity to take the time and consideration to explore “Why?” and intentionally sit on both sides of the walls — the side of the other party’s wall and that of my own. There is likely a good reason the circumstances played out how they did.  

“From a therapist’s perspective, many of the issues in marriages, friendships and other relationships were birthed in our families. People may lament, ‘Not everything is about my family,’ but so often it is.”
Nebra Glover Tawwab, A Guide To Managing Unhealthy Family Relationships Drama-Free

So many of us operate from a position of brokenness from our childhood experiences, with our unhealed and shamed parts loudly speaking in order to preserve ourselveselves. For example, until writing this very letter, I was unaware of my affinity for “Why?” associated with adolescence. 

Each of us holds memories locked within our subconscious that must be known for the cultivation of our souls. 

The same withholding of judgment afforded to ourselves must be afforded to others. Even if their brokenness is not apparent, such as an impending or recent divorce or the death of a loved one, our earliest experiences and memories are often laced with pain. A little boy or girl is likely trapped within our spouse, parents, bosses, or colleagues, slowly dying for lack of being known. 

While considering the past of another does not negate the necessity of truth, gentleness, and wisdom lend to the sophistication of its presentation for the sake of its preservation. 

Truth Regarding Business.

Seven months ago, I rebranded my company to The Knowing Agency. 

If it is not apparent yet, knowing is my lifelong pursuit. 

Our proprietary Knowing Process is grounded in a 3-step framework executed over a 90-day period to know:

  1. The Brand
  2. The Audience
  3. The Data

Subsequently, we present a marketing strategy to propel the organization’s bottom line over the next year and beyond. 

To date, results have surpassed 1200% Return On Ad Spend (ROAS), among other metrics of success.

But the presentation of the truth of our findings of the Knowing Process positioned in our Marketing Strategy demands a sophistication, guided by gentleness and wisdom, to land well among C-Suite execs, owners, and – quite honestly – high-powered leaders who are not often told the truth. 

Those of us in these positions can lack visibility into truth, at times, by no fault of our own. 

A dear friend of mine sold his business for 8-figures and is well on his way to building his 9-figure empire. During a recent conversation, he shared he is becoming more and more wary of folks sucking up to him, agreeing with every idea even if they hold a differing viewpoint.

The lasting impact of not hearing the truth from others and, worse, not knowing our self, can quietly evolve into an aversion, an abhorrence, or, worse still, an inability to reckon with the presentation of truth when it eventually comes knocking at our doors.

For it surely will. Whether it’s the bottoming out of a business because vanity metrics masked the financial reality for too long or a loss shatters us, and we find ourselves with the truth of all that lies within finally exposed — the very soul we ignored for far too long. 

Gentleness and wisdom are the very safeguards guiding our presentation of truth for its preservation, the good of the other, and, ultimately, the protection of our selves.

In conclusion: Why the letter on truth
and its references to self, others, and business?

Well, to answer that, click here to read my big announcement.